.. Demo C++ API with Doxygen documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Apr 15 17:59:36 2021. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Demo C++ API with Doxygen ========================= RST content ----------- .. need:: Need inside rst :id: NEED_1 :status: open .. need:: Need inside rst :id: NEED_3 :status: open :links: NEED_1 C++ files --------- :file: code/doxygen_example.hpp .. literalinclude:: code/doxygen_example.hpp Doxygen include --------------- .. code-block:: rst .. doxygenfile:: doxygen_example.hpp :project: doxygen_example ``doxygenfile`` **result starts here:** .. doxygenfile:: doxygen_example.hpp :project: doxygen_example Analysis -------- .. needtable:: :style: table :columns: id, title, status, outgoing, incoming .. needflow::